We were all impacted by the Covid-19 epidemic.  Suddenly, no one could find hand sanitizer anywhere!   

Someone I know really well owns the business Kingdom.com.  Kingdom has twice been an Inc 500 company and has been around for 30 years. They have shipped millions of products.  They told me that they had a great supply of hand sanitizer… bringing it in by the truckloads!

Of course i had to have some.  My search for sanitizer was over!  Kingdom is starting with liquid sanitizer – I love this stuff for spray bottles.  It’s ok in pumps and squeeze bottles.  Soon they will have gel so people have a choice:  gel or liquid.

So, since I had been having such a hard time finding hand sanitizer, I had the great idea of asking Kingdom if I could be an authorized distributor.  They were happy to set me up to sell sanitizer and other products they sell. Order Sanitizer sells and Kingdom ships the orders.

Nothing could have come together so easily..

     This is great for you ~

     Now you can buy hand sanitizer!

      This is great for me ~

      I now have a booming business.

     This is great for health safety in our communities!

     Hand sanitizer kills the nasty viruses we have been hearing so much about.  

I keep it everywhere:  desk at work, kitchen, bathroom and especially in my car.  I sanitize before going into a store.  I don’t want to pass on anything I have.  I sanitize when I get back in my car.  I want to kill anything I may have picked up on my hands.   

So glad you came by our store!  

Sincerely and God Bless,

B. Luci